Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Parts of the Egyptian Soul

The ancient Egyptians believed in the plurality of the soul, which each part representing different qualities or aspects of the individual. This is significant as different gods were sometimes considered to represent aspects of the souls of other deities. These parts were:
Ab: The heart, center of moral awareness and good and evil. The Ab lived with the gods if it passes judgement, balancing Maat’s feather of truth.
Akhu: Meaning effective one, the radiant immortal part of the person, created by the uniting of Ba and Ka and residing in the Sahu.
Ba: Can be translated as impression, and depecited as a human-headed bird, this part of the soul represented the personality of the person.
Ka: the life-force
Khabait: the shadow, that could partake of funerary offerings for sustenance, and leave the tomb.
Ren: The true name of the person, describing their essence
Sahu: the vessel of the spiritual body
Sekehm: the ethereal personification of the life force of the person.

In the context of the soul’s nature, it should be emphasised, that as with many early religions drawn upon sources for modern paganism (such as ancient Greece, Rome, Norse, ect), the ancient Egyptian religion had no doctrine of reincarnation. Instead, they believed that a person had only one life in a physical body.

Now, I do fully believe in reincarnation. I believe that the parts of the soul are still there, and they work together to form a soul. I also see all these parts as individual symbols.


A lot of my information is directly copy-pasted frm my own Book of Shadows, collected over the past couple of years from a variety of sourses. I try to credit where I can, and I try to paraphrase and change words around without changing meanings as much as I can.
IF YOU SEE YOUR INFORMATION HERE: Please let me know, I'll be more than happy to credit you. The best way to contact me is to leave a comment on the post, and I'll be sure to edit the post as soon as I get the message.